Sell your product on GFXCRATE.
Make money without having to do anything, simply upload your product and get paid everytime someone purchases your product from our store!
This process works in 4 easy steps:
Does your product fit?
On GFXCRATE we sell graphics and graphics-related products for content creators, your product would need to fit this area. If you are unsure then contact us anyway and we will look into your product!
Send us your product and ideal pricing.
Once you have a product which you think fits GFXCRATE send it to us alongside your recommended price for the product. Make sure your price fits roughly with the other prices on GFXCRATE.
Your product is listed.
We will post your product on our website, including a note which shows you designed it. When someone purchases your product they will receive the file via our instant download delivery.
You get paid!
For every sale you make we will send you a percentage of the total revenue, you can see our current rates below. Percentages are based on sales and amount of products. We will send you your money every week where your product sells either via PayPal or bank transfer.
What you get.
Our current percentage rates are below and are based on the amount of products you have on GFXCRATE and the amount of times they are sold.